Sunday, May 22, 2011


I enjoyed the movie immensely. Although I didn't recognize any of the actors, they delivered excellent performances.  Kristen Wiig plays the part of Annie, a broke and down-on-her-luck maid of honor for her best friend, Lillian played by Maya Rudolph.

The movie follows the escapades of the bride, her maid of honor and four other bridesmaids as they try on dresses, plan the bachelorette party, and attend the wedding. There are many hilarious moments involving food poisoning, fear of flying, and public meltdowns.

Watch the trailer.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

All About Homeopathy

This evening, I attended a lecture presented by homeopath, Andrea Hauser. She talked about eating for an active lifestyle.

She started by suggesting that we create a positive relationship with food and learn to eat with positive emotions. There is no point eating a healthy salad or meal in a state of anger or distress. The negative emotion will only negate the nutritional benefit of the food.

Some of her suggestions include...
  • Add a dash of turmeric to olive oil.
  • Experiment with almond butter and other nut butters.
  • Visit the President's Choice website for quinoa recipes.
  • Add hemp seed hearts to soups, smoothies, salads, and oatmeal. These protein-rich seeds are also high in fibre and essential fatty acids.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sundays for Writers

I enjoyed today's session with Cindy Carroll and the Guelph Write Now group. Eight of us participated in the Mystery Meet activity and discussed our writing. It may have been raining outside, but the mood inside Lucie's Bakery was upbeat and positive. Cindy informed us that she will be spending five days next week writing a screenplay for a Hollywood agent.

Inspiring and encouraging news for all aspiring writers!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dinner with Writers Ink

Last night's dinner meeting was a successful one. We filled up an entire table at Symposium Restaurant--a first for Writers Ink!

I enjoyed catching up with the regular members and meeting other writers in the Guelph area. The conversation was stimulating and many of us left inspired to start or finish a writing piece.